How LinkedIn Learning is Helping Quadrotech Stay Ahead in the Tech Space
Quadrotech Solutions, an IT company that specializes in the Microsoft Cloud, has grown from 30 employees to 120 over the past five years. A key to continuing that growth – learning.
“Quadrotech is on the forefront of technology by the nature of what we do,” SVP of Customer Success Tony Sterling said. “And technology is constantly changing. So, for us to stay a leader in our market, we need to constantly be learning.”
The good news? “Quadrotech employees, all of them, have an insatiable desire to learn,” Quadrotech Global Head of HR Andrea D’Ambrosio said. The company’s challenge was finding the best learning solution to facilitate that learning.
“The main need was to help people stay up-to-date with their skills, without them having to leave the office to do it,” Sterling said. “So, our employees can take an hour break in the day to do a session, which they can apply immediately.”
To address that need, this spring the company invested in LinkedIn Learning licenses for all 120 employees at Quadrotech. The payoff was immediate – after the first day, more than 50 percent of employees activated their license, and now all employees have activated it.
“I am thrilled with the adoption of learning at Quadrotech,” Quadrotech CEO Thomas Madsen said. “LinkedIn Learning has given a boost to the knowledge of our team, both technical skills and soft skills, that help us perform better in all areas of our business.”
Why Quadrotech invested in LinkedIn Learning – it covers the full professional
Quadrotech considered purchasing one of two online learning platforms: LinkedIn Learning or a tech-focused one. The reason Quadrotech ultimately invested in LinkedIn Learning is because it offered a complete course library, instead of just tech courses.
“The options of learning with LinkedIn Learning superseded those with (the tech-focused vendor),” Sterling said.
“For example, I have a couple of new managers under me,” he added. “They’ve never managed people before. They are capable, they just need to learn how to do it. And that’s something LinkedIn Learning can help with, which (the tech-focused vendor) cannot.”
D’Ambrosio added that there was a strong impression of LinkedIn among Quadrotech employees and the talent market in general. So, that means an investment in LinkedIn Learning makes attracting talent that much easier, she said.
“It’s a great benefit,” D’Ambrosio said. “In recruiting, it’s a selling point for us.”
The results: A learning solution that meets employees’ expectations
Sterling and D’Ambrosio were hoping LinkedIn Learning would catch on with Quadrotech employees. Those hopes have been exceeded.
“We didn’t know it was going to be this popular,” Sterling said. “We weren’t expecting people to be so engaged.”
Why are they using it so much? Because it’s such a quick and effective way to learn, according to employees at Quadrotech.
“I love how the topics are broken into short training modules, but even better is the fact that they are further broken down into two-to-three-minute chunks and well-indexed,” Quadrotech Sales Engineer Paul Thomas said. “This makes learning possible in small bits and you can easily pop back to review sections that you want/need to.”
Quadrotech Technical Product Manager Leah Theil agreed.
“LinkedIn Learning is my quick fix for anything I’ve wanted to improve my skills on,” she said. “Everything from product management to WireShark to soft skills. It’s the perfect solution for those who never want to stop learning.”
The result? Exactly what Quadrotech wanted – a cost-effective learning solution that fits within employees’ schedules and drives real business results.
“There is an immediate impact of making the team better at their job,” Sterling said. “Support cases get closed faster and customers are happier.”
Post updated on April 9, 2019.
Topics: Customer stories
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