The Fastest Growing Skills Among Software Engineers – And How to Learn Them
Flutter, an application development SDK created by Google, officially released in May of 2017. Today – less than two years later – it’s the fastest-growing skill among software engineers, as mobile developers are increasingly leaning on to develop new Android apps.
Such is life for software engineers. Nearly every year, new programs like Flutter transform markets, requiring software developers to quickly learn new tools and new processes to stay ahead.
The question then becomes what to learn. To help answer it, we looked at LinkedIn data to uncover the fastest growing skills among software engineers.
The Fastest Growing Skills Among Software Engineers
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Learning Google Flutter for Mobile Developers
Android Design
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Android Development: Modern Android UI Design Elements
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: React: Server-Side Rendering
Continuous Integration and Development
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: DevOps Foundations: Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration
Angular Material
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Angular: Material Design
Learning these skills is a great way to stay ahead as a software engineer. But let’s say you’re ready to take on a new challenge; instead of developing software yourself, you're eager to lead a team of software engineers.
Soft skills become significantly more important to make that leap. Because now it’s less about how well you code, and more about how well you inspire others to code.
To help you take that next step, we’ve pulled a list of the fastest growing soft skills among software engineering managers. These are the skills needed to run high performing, engaged engineering teams.
The Fastest Growing Soft Skills Among Software Engineering Managers
People Management
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Managing Technical Professionals
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Leadership: Practical Skills
Team Management
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses: Agile Software Development
Team Building
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Organizational Culture
Strategic Planning
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Strategic Planning Foundations
Maybe your goals extend beyond managing an engineering team within an organization. Maybe you are a software engineer and would like to start your own company.
Well, we have you covered – here are the fastest-growing skills among software CEOs. A big takeaway: skills related to blockchain and cryptography are increasingly popular.
The Fastest Growing Skills Among CEOs of Software Companies
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses: Blockchain
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses: Cryptocurrency
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses: React.js
Docker Products
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses: Docker
Front-End Development
Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course: Front-End Web Development
Software engineering remains one of the most prosperous careers out there, with an average salary in the United States of $91,000. Plus, you have the skills to start your own technology business – come up with a great idea for a software or app, build it, and you’re on your way. The key to thriving in this field will continue to be a commitment to learning.
The fastest-growing skills are determined by ranking the growth rates of members in the selected occupations claiming the skill in the past 12 months. Data provided by LinkedIn Senior Insights Analyst Nick Doulos.
Looking for more resources that’ll help you grow in your career? Check out one of these LinkedIn Learning courses:
Topics: Productivity tips
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