New courses

24 New Skills You Can Now Learn on LinkedIn Learning

When we are curious, we view tough situations more creatively. Cultivating curiosity at all levels helps leaders and their employees adapt to unknown conditions and external pressures because the prompt of it leads us to think more deeply and collaboratively about decisions to come up with creative solutions. An added bonus for curious leaders is they gain more respect and inspires employees to develop more trusting relationships with peers.

How can you foster curiosity? Watch a course to learn something new or build your existing skills.

 Each week, we add to our 15,000+ course library. This past week we added 24 courses. Whether you’re looking to learn animation, how to lead with values, or use Photoshop, we’ve got you covered. Check out one of the 24 new courses this week.

The new courses now available on LinkedIn Learning are:

Project 2020 - Business

Business Licensing

Business Software


Leadership + Management



Audio + Music

Graphic Design


Product Design + Manufacturing

Web Design

Back-End Web Development

Cloud Infrastructure

Front-End Web Development

Programming Languages


Software Methodologies

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