New courses

29 New Skills You Can Now Learn on LinkedIn Learning

Having a career and being a mother can be a balancing act. Our research shows 64% of women believe a non-flexible work schedule is the biggest obstacle preventing working mothers from advancing in their careers.

Whether you are a working parent or generally looking to find more flexibility in your career, check out one of our new courses this week. Learning can help you hone your skills to be more efficient with your work to get more time back and advocate for the flexibility you need.

Whether you’re interested in flexible work or honing your skills, we’ve got you covered with 29 new courses on these topics and more on LinkedIn Learning.

Business Software and Tools

Career Development

Finance + Accounting

Leadership + Management




Audio + Music

Graphic Design


Product Design + Manufacturing

User Experience


Back-End Web Development

Cloud Development

Cloud Infrastructure

Data Science

Front-End Web Development


Programming Languages

Software Methodologies

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