Business professional working in home office

Global workforces have suddenly been forced to adapt to a new normal.

L&D departments are under significant pressure to help their organizations with the enormous transition to “at home work” and education.

Find out how LinkedIn L&D leaders Kevin Delaney and Sara Dowling are leading through these challenges.

We’ll explore:

  • Insights on how LinkedIn is managing a changing world of work, and how L&D can help in these critical times
  • Tips on how to leverage learning to engage and support a remote workforce
  • How to build a remote culture of learning



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Featured Speakers

Amy Borsetti, L&D Expert & LinkedIn Learning Sales Leader
Amy Borsetti
L&D Expert & LinkedIn Learning Sales Leader
Sara Dowling, Director of L&D at LinkedIn
Sara Dowling
Director of L&D at LinkedIn
Kevin Delaney, VP of L&D at LinkedIn
Kevin Delaney
VP of L&D at LinkedIn