• The Entrepreneur Network of LA, a student centered program designed to invest in entrepreneur innovation, such as highly specialized industry training, technical consulting and a multitude of services that provide job opportunities for students.



  • LinkedIn Learning is in seven languages, namely Spanish. 60 percent of LACCD students are Hispanic, with a portion of those speaking no English when they first enroll. So, the fact that LinkedIn has courses in Spanish - as well as German, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese and, of course, English - makes it a far more inclusive tool, according to Francia Peña, a Trainer/Presenter at Los Angeles Southwest College who was instrumental in rolling out LinkedIn Learning to students and faculty.
  • The mobile experience.  Some LACCD students don’t have a computer or, even if they do, they have limited access to it throughout the day. But, they virtually all have smartphones, so the mobile app helps students seamlessly fit learning into their day.

LA Community College District (LACCD) wanted to fast-track growth and development of students - while also helping them create a robust professional digital profile in the process - so they could land "middle-skill" jobs quicker.

LACCD purchased 30,000 LinkedIn Learning seats for their students because:


a. It provided just-in-time, real-life training students needed to supplement their coursework to become career-ready, faster.


b. The tie to LinkedIn meant students can showcase what they learn via their LinkedIn profile, making them more attractive to employers.


c. It's mobile app and the fact it has courses in seven languages meant all students could take advantage of it around their schedule. 


They rolled LinkedIn Learning out to students as part of several career-readiness programs.

Within months of rolling out LinkedIn Learning, students were already flocking to it as they see value in building their online portfolio while also taking courses to help better prepare themselves for the future. Reaction has been incredibly positive, with several students already landing internships because of it.
INDUSTRY: Higher Education
NO. OF STUDENTS: 230,000
HQ LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA