• Fostering inclusion and belonging

  • Making learning a habit

  • Igniting people’s passion to learn and grow

  • In Balancing Work and Life, Dave Crenshaw explains how employees can set hard boundaries – or a “line in the sand” – for professional time and personal time. This can be especially important for remote workers who don’t have the routine of commuting and being in the office to structure their days.

  • In How to Develop Friendships and Connect Meaningfully with Work Colleagues, Selena Rezvani shares tips on building rapport with coworkers. Again, this is quite valuable for remote or hybrid teams who have lost the dynamic of regular in-person interactions.

  • In Avoiding Burnout, Todd Dewett emphasizes the importance of using PTO even if you’re not traveling or going on vacation. Finding outside activities or hobbies to take one’s mind off work can be vital in the work/life balance equation.